Buddhism: A map to freedom & happiness
Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times
Buddha taught a path to complete liberation from suffering. This ancient wisdom is just as relevant to our busy modern lives as it was in the past. On this inspiring day course you will learn how to practically apply this wisdom to your day to day life.
Buddha lived two and a half thousand years ago in ancient India, but the basic questions that motivated him to seek enlightenment are the same human beings have even today. His overriding questions were, Why is there so much pain and suffering in the world? What is the cause of suffering? What is the cause of suffering? Is complete freedom from suffering possible? Buddhism is basically his answer to these questions.
Buddha discovered that all our suffering originates in our own mind, specifically in our deluded and negative states of mind and in the destructive actions they lead to. These delusions – such as hatred, arrogance, confusion and and self-centredness – are basically distorted mental habits, and like all habits can eventually be broken. At the same time, all the underlying good qualities, like peace, compassion, inner strength, wisdom and joy, can be nurtured and increased so that they come to pervade our mind all the time. This main method Buddha taught to effect this radical inner transformation is meditation, grounded in an ethical and compassionate way of life. The final result is full enlightenment, or Buddhahood – which is the full realization of our limitless potential, giving us complete wisdom, skill and spiritual power to help all living beings.
This day course is an introduction to the basic ideas and practice of Buddhism. There will also be guided meditations and plenty of time for questions and answers.
Saturday 10th September
10am – 5pm
Ganden Kadampa Buddhist Centre, 5 North Bridge, Halifax HX1 1XH
Suitable for everyone – no previous experience or knowledge needed.