Clear Stillness Retreat

On this retreat we will deepen our experience of meditation, mainly through silent meditation. In the first session Kadam Mike will give a brief introduction to the practice of meditative concentration, but after this we will meditate in silence, but with the support of the group. There will be four sessions in the day, each divided into two. People often find that with this structure and the energy of the group, they can go deeper into their meditation than ever before.

The format of the sessions on this retreat will be very similar to the Lunchtime Silent Meditations, which are held every Tuesday in Ganden Centre from 12.15 – 1.00pm. If possible it would be a good idea to come to one of these sessions before committing yourself to a whole day of meditation. These sessions are free of charge and there is no need to book. 

“Eliminating the distractions of my mind completely, Observing and holding a single object of meditation with mindfulness,
And preventing the obstacles of mental sinking and mental excitement from arising, In this way I will control my mind with clear and joyful concentration.” – From the Prayer “Request to the Lord of All Lineages”


Saturday 8th of March

10 a.m.– 5p.m.


Price £15, Vegetarian lunch included. Please book HERE by the 5th of March. Free with all membership levels.


Ganden Kadampa Buddhist Centre, 5 North Bridge, Halifax  HX1 1XH


Suitable for anyone except complete newcomers to meditation


Kadam Mike Garside